The Amravati Police on Saturday visited MLARavi Rana’s residence at Khar in Mumbai to serve him a bailable warrant issued by the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court. Sources said the warrant was issued this week as the MLA had failed to respond to the notice issued to him by the Bombay High Court. The warrant calls upon Rana to be present before the court on Monday.
Meanwhile, eight police personnel, including a senior inspector of Mumbai Police, have been penalised and their increment suspended for three years following a departmental inquiry. According to police, the departmental inquiry was set up after these officials, who were posted at the Dharavi police station in 2018, detained a 17-year-old boy for questioning in a theft case.
Also, The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Saturday tweeted, “ED has arrested Appasaheb Ramachandra Deshmukh, treasurer of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Education Society on 17.06.2022 in a case of money laundering.”