Devender Yadav, the interim chief of Delhi Congress, delves into the shortcomings of the AAP-Congress alliance in the recent Lok Sabha elections, highlights the impact of Arvinder Singh Lovely's departure, and outlines plans for the upcoming Assembly polls in a conversation with Saman Husain.
Despite successful alliances in other states, the Delhi scenario presented challenges. Yadav emphasizes the importance of evaluating ground-level issues and addressing the weaknesses within the alliance through grassroots discussions and strategic planning.
Addressing concerns about external influences, Yadav dismisses the notion that Kanhaiya Kumar's origin affected the outcome, stressing that the alliance lacked strength and requires restructuring. He acknowledges financial constraints but appreciates the support received from donors.
Reflecting on Arvinder Singh Lovely's departure, Yadav asserts minimal impact on the cadre, though acknowledging the perception challenges such defections pose.
Yadav advocates for enhanced community engagement and early candidate announcements to bolster the party's prospects in future elections. He admits communication gaps within segments of the electorate and pledges to rectify them through comprehensive outreach efforts.
Regarding the upcoming Assembly polls, Yadav stresses the need for thorough evaluation before considering a renewed alliance with the AAP, recognizing the importance of strategic decision-making for the party's future prospects.